

Bungalows Wuii e Iwana

Use the mouse to move forward, click where you want to move by following the circles on the floor.

With sustained click you can control the look wherever you want.

Virtual Reality can be used with most models smartphone IOS & Android (incl. Samsung Gear VR)

To view in VR on Apple IOS: after you press the VR goggle icon inside the 3D Showcase, you will be prompted to download the Matterport Application from the App Store for the best experience. This is free and safe to use: Download here.

To view in VR on Android: after you press the VR goggle icon inside the 3D Showcase:
– Android 5.0 – you will be prompted to download the Google VR Service app This is free and safe to use and will enable you to use VR services on your mobile: Download here.

– Android 7.0 – no app required, just go ahead and view in VR